I often say when it comes to running media, “I would rather have better creative and less money than more money with poor or mediocre creative.” It’s quite simple: media buyers are left defenseless when handed creative that misses the mark for the intended audience. Deploying media without understanding the effectiveness and impact of your creative is no better than tossing a coin in the air and hoping it lands on the side you picked. At GALE, we have built products in ALCHEMY, our AI-powered business intelligence platform, that allow our strategists to accurately guide and test the efficacy of a clients’ creative well before a single media dollar is spent.
Unlocking the World’s Largest Audience Panel
A massive amount of engagement activity occurs every second of the day across the Web. Each individual interaction point leaves a breadcrumb of data that, when assembled in aggregate, provides irrefutable direction on how to guide your creative. But amassing heavy volumes of data is no easy task. To navigate this, at GALE, we built an AI-powered product that enables us to collect and analyze social post content, then recommend the best creative ingredients that will get your audiences to interact. This product can be used to identify key trends, extracting best practices for organic and paid assets, and to help social teams understand how to get the most out of their organic efforts (e.g., the best days and times to post, post format, best CTA to use, etc.).
A Good Creative Strategy is a Good Media Strategy
As our CEO Brad Simms recently said in Forbes, “Brand marketing is being reprioritized” as business leaders pursue avenues for ultimate business growth. A shift in the industry has begun as marketers more evenly weigh the investment between brand and performance marketing. The reality, however, is that better content has always equaled better performance in media, regardless of platform or channel. No media buyer would or should ever dispute that better brand content – content crafted based on real time trends and insights – won’t help drive better and more qualified audiences. If you get your brand content right, you have effectively handed your media team the assets they need to scale audiences, limiting the need to pay premiums to third-party providers.
At GALE, we understand the importance of brand content and the role it plays in driving down funnel performance. We have built specific research methodologies under AskGALE that connect the “left brain” (what a human says they will do or care about in a survey) to the “right brain” (how they actually engage when showed a piece of content).

Our AskGALE team has run countless studies to help clients develop audience personas mapped to specific creative elements that show a higher propensity to sway brand perception and drive an intended behavior. This information is then used by media teams to develop specific ad sets and media programs best suited to deliver those messages.
Any seasoned media team knows the power of strong creative in driving the effectiveness of their media strategy. At GALE, our meticulous attention to understanding the creative that will most strongly resonate with each client’s audience – and then creating something compelling based on those insights – is a key ingredient in how we help our clients’ media investment achieve peak performance faster.