August 19, 2024

GALE Releases Report on Top Brand Characteristics Earning Consumer Attention

A new report from GALE, “Beyond Social Media,” identifies and examines four key characteristics of brands that young consumers perceive as showing up in the world in relevant and interesting ways. The findings emphasize the importance of fostering community, both online and in the real world.


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As more marketers move away from an over-reliance on performance marketing, brands are now competing to reach young consumers through brand-forward tactics that prioritize long-term awareness and loyalty. 

For many, the first impulse is to focus on social media, where young people spend several hours per day consuming content from friends, creators, influencers, and brands. But reaching young consumers today requires more than a top-notch social media strategy. It demands a holistic, social-first marketing approach, with integrated and consistent touchpoints both online and offline, according to research recently conducted by GALE.

Through a survey of nearly 2,000 U.S. consumers ages 15-29, we identified four key characteristics of brands earning their attention: 

  • Community-centric
  • Engagement-focused 
  • Content-driven
  • Relevant to Lifestyle 

Read the full report for a deep dive into each characteristic and its implications for marketers.